Wednesday 27 March 2013

Architectural Details

Now that the basic room has been laid out, I have begun to model the larger details.

After splitting the room into three strips to make texturing easier later on, I built a "door to the afterlife", which is a false, stone door with spiritual significance. Modelling this consisted mostly of simple extrusions and a couple of insets with only a small amount of vertex aligning required.

While the ceiling is supported by four block columns, supposedly part of the rock the tomb was dug from, I decided to add two decorative pillars on the corners joining the entrance corridor to the tomb. These are roughly based on a type of "palm pillar". Egyptian pillars were often made to resemble more primitive pillars that were once used in the region, which were made from bundles of palm or papyrus. This mesh is based on the pillar illustrated on the far right.

Monday 25 March 2013

Room Base

Here is the initial model of the tomb based on the floor plan from the previous post. Only the most basic features are placed here to show where the permanent structures are, that being load-bearing stonework and the sarcophagus. The light green mesh will be modified to create a higher-poly floor mesh, and similar will be done with the brown pillars.
The blue sarcophagus will most likely be completely remodelled to make for a cleaner mesh.

Floor Plan

The focus of this scene is the central room which contains the sarcophagus and many of the important goods which would be left for the person to use in the afterlife.
The image below shows a relatively simple tomb, and such a room can be seen on the bottom right. The sunken corridor will house the sarcophagus and precious items such as canopic jars, deity statues and scripts. The outer strips will house furniture, foodstuffs and other more worldly objects.

A quick sketch of my intended floor plan:

1. Entrance stairwell
2. Side wings
3. Burial channel
4. Main support pillars
5. Sarcophagus

Friday 22 March 2013

Egyptian Tomb - Initial thoughts

While I was in college I was given the task to create a 3D room, I decided to make an Egyptian tomb. Since the renders are now long-lost on the college's intranet I have decided to recreate this scene in 3D once more, hopefully far better than before. A quick search on Google shows the sort of room I intend to make, no specific tomb in particular, but the typical cluttered tomb, complete with dust, crumbling pottery and loaded with loot.

 As stated, this will be an imaginary tomb built around the standard forms I deduce from various sources and the overall design will be influenced by what I perceive to be the most pleasing and interesting to look at.